What once was a blog with a purpose (follow the Noodles as they travel around the world) has now morphed into a passion for pointless ramlbings.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Breakfast slop and a Muppet review

Is anybody out there? Is this blog echoing? One Noodle is considering turning this blog into every other blog that's out there - full of gripes and moans, movie reviews, and daily ramblings about trips to Trader Joe's, holiday shopping and all kinds of other boring shit that nobody really cares about - except the writer of this blog. Se moi, Noodle.

One Noodle attended her company's annual holiday breakfast this morning. Hordes of underpaid employees packing their lovely lady humps into their $170 True Religion jeans lined up around the block to shove normally unwanted carbs into their mouths. Carbs that you don't have to pay for obviously don't count. Along with the carbs, batches of yellow runny slop trying to be eggs were scooped onto our trays while cheery white people dressed up like Mrs. Claus and her posse of plus-sized dip-shits sang Christmas carols.

When food is free, people tend to lose their fucking minds. Men stacked their trays with every imagineable animal carcus and then ran back to their cubicles to troff out. The girls pretty much stuck to the free carbs. Atkins is officially dead and buried.

The Noodle enjoyed her free breakfast. Though all things considered, she would much rather have a Christmas bonus in her pocket than a stack of undigested "eggs" in her tummy. There's always next year.

In other news...
Muppets Go to Oz is unwatchable. This Noodle laughed when they finally got to Oz and one Muppet turned to the camera and said, "If you have Dark Side of the Moon, push play now." That was funny. But even that brilliant line couldn't save the rest of the movie from getting a BOO! review.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true about the ridiculously hypnotic allure of free stuff. I was once at an event where the more well-paid brethren of the True Religion crowd (the $500 Theory suit gals) were clawing each other's eyes out to get the freebie de jour - an XL Bad Billy's Bail Bonds T-shirt and matching key chain. And you can't even eat that!

Good comeback, Noodle-Chan! An inspiration!

6:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

U-oh, Noodle negativity.

5:14 PM


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