The rest of Japan
We're not done yet!
While Kirstie Peen Superstar went off to work to continue generating the highest revenue at her company for the third straight quarter and Typhoon Amadeus (better known among less dramatic peoples as "rain") decended on Tokyo, the Noodles took a day trip down to Kisarazu where Ande lived for 2 years "teaching English" and showing confused Japanese kids E.T. and The Breakfast Club. Ande toured Jen around all of Kisarazu's hippest spots, including the Japanese Gemco clone, Jusco, where Ande spent all of her depressed hours in 'Pan cruising the food aisles crying that there was no hummous (but basking in the air conditioning).

Jusco's best selling pencil case. It speaks the truf.

We also met up with Ande's old friend Kumiko, full-time piano tuner and part-time cat groomer. Here's Kumi's cat Banana, freshly cut the day before we arrived. Banana was secretly shy that Kumi's cut left him with Ugg-like booties around his angles. Uggs are so last season.
Banana dreams of cooler, Marc Jacobs-tassled paws

Kumi and Ande pose by Rebecca's old car

Kumi-chan took us out for great okonomiyaki - a delicious carb-filled Japanese treat that you cook yourself at your table.
Kumi at okonomiyaki - yum!

Back in Tokyo, the Peen continued her efforts to be crowned best Noodle Host of all time (right up there with Kater, Ilana, Sharon, Roussenqs, and Team Aba). So she put the three of us on a Shinkansen (Bullet Train) that shot us straight to Karuizawa, a trendy, but relaxed, mountain town near Nagano where dogs run around in designer jeans and Adidas track suits and people get out of their cars for 5 minutes to ride bikes.
People come to Karuizawa to escape this grind

The girls strike a professional pose on the deck of the company cabin

You don't even need to lock your bikes in Karuizawa (or in all of Japan for that matter)

Peen and Jen take on Karuizawa town

This Karuizawa dog is wearing jean shorts (not shown is his sister in a jean skirt)

Can someone explain once and for all why we don't have a bullet train between L.A. and Vegas?

This square watermelon costs $52 USD (the boring round one is a steal at only $50)

We spent the weekend in Kirstie's company's gorgeous mountain cabin where we relaxed, played and ate. Kirstie prepared her famous (famous for about 3 weeks now) summer fruits curry. We loved it. We also took a trip to the nearby Onsen (Japanese hot spring) where the sight of three naked gaijin was too much for the locals to handle. They stared, pointed, and giggled and Ande felt suddenly nostalgic for the good old days living in Japan. Yeah, no.
A moment of serene reflection outside the onsen. Next stop: naked with strangers.

Our last few days in Japan were spent running around Harajuku, Ebisu, and Akihabara trying to take a decent print club picture. We also stopped by Mejijingu Temple in Shinjuku where Jen had sworn Kirstie had taken her to on her last trip to Japan. But as it turned out, Kirstie merely took Jen to a Burger King, and told Jen that was the famous Temple. We walked around reading the notes and wishes people had written on traditional wooden placards and tied with red ribbons onto a wishng wall, and overheard a poor, unfortunate soul utter the words, 'I wish I could get out of my loser phase' before penning it on a block of wood and adding it to the wall of wishes.
Peace on earth. Health and happiness for people and dogs. And at last, things are looking up for Joyride (see no. 5)

Hey, last time Jen was at Meijijingu, it smelled like french fries.

The Noodles also managed a day trip to Matsushima, known as 'the third best view of Japan," which after visiting and looking in vain for scenic, mountain panoramics, we think just means that it has nice things to look at, and not that it gives you a great view of something else. Anyway, it was gorgeous and had a number of beautiful temples and gardens.
Ande in Matsushima

Jen in Matsushima

From a temple in Matsushima

On our very last night in Japan, Peener outdid herself by taking the Noodles and Kumiko to the bar at the top of the Park Hyatt in Shinjuku where Bill Murray meets Scarlett Johanson in Lost in Translation. We got there five minutes before last call (12:00am - why so early??) and were able to enjoy the most expensive drinks we've ever sipped - 1700 yen (around $17) for a martini. Good thing we only had time for one drink. We closed down the bar and then headed over to Peen's friend Kei's cutest little bar.
Ande and Kumi-chan mesmerized by the view at the Park Hyatt Tokyo

Scarlett Johansen wouldn't have been as alluring if she had to down a Spciy Avocado Martini like Ande - Park Hyatt Tokyo

Can it really be that our time in Japan is over?!? We miss it already. Thank you Peen! Thank you Kumi-chan! Thank you Japan!
Hey there - Im not sure how many posts you get from people you've met in Southeast Asia, but hopefully you can tell who it is by the i.d. Im definitely still sad my trip’s over and reality has set in now that Im an “attorney at law,” (quotes because bar results haven’t arrived yet) but at least I can reminisce:
So Im sitting in an internet cafe one night in Siem Reap, and I hear someone come in to make an international call. I don't look up because I usually don't expect to see people I know in western Cambodia (Eastern maybe). But during the course of his call, I recognize the voice of our friend Stuart. It turns out we were staying at the same guesthouse...again! We ended up having another fun night.
Well, I just wanted to check out the blog, which is great, and if you happened to save any pictures you took from that night, if you could send me them to my email that'd be great. take care
12:10 PM
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