Noodles at Polapalooza (Wianke Festival) on the banks of Wstla River - Krakow

Polapalooza concert heats up

Krakow's finest toilet (Take notice, Mr. Tesier)

Prague at night

Charles Bridge hordes

Fred & Ginger - Prague

Jen in Prague

Cesky Krumlov castle (second largest in Czech Republic)

Cesky Krumlov

Ande in Cesky

Cesky tea house

More Cesky

Cesky Krumlov central square

Verona, Italy

Opera set pieces - Verona

Nice pics. With "Jen in Prague", though, I challenge anyone to look at it for more than about 3 seconds without feeling utterly nauseous. Nothing to do with Jen, I hasten to add (at least, I don't think so) – more the fact that you seem to have entered some bizarre dimension where the street is curling and falling over. All the houses are tipping into the middle. It looks like something out of Alice in Wonderland. Did your camera drop acid while you weren't looking?
1:33 PM
By the way, when you get to Thailand you have to look up some of these little guys...
What a blog! And all typed without the use of opposable thumbs, too. Cool.
2:27 PM
I'm bored. I keep coming back here and there's nothing changed. I want a new posting soon! You girls have got lazy. How am I suppposed to live vicariously through your eccentric, devil-may-care, hedonistic lifestyle if you don't tell me about it? More. Now!
Sorry. I'm drunk.
3:21 PM
Um I agree about the Jen in Prague pic - very wonky! I wish I was in Italy instead still in a cube making bad TV. ohhhhh......
6:12 PM
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