What once was a blog with a purpose (follow the Noodles as they travel around the world) has now morphed into a passion for pointless ramlbings.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Yes, I'm in Jail - What the Fuck Do You Want?

Is every phone call you make (aside from the ones dialed directly to friends, aquaintances, and moviefone) sent directly to someone in jail? Have these car thieves, pimps, and rapists completely taken over the customer service industry? Is their reward for good behavior our punishment for having to return a cable box? And if this reward system is a sort of rehabilitation program that will one day benefit these raging attitude assholes, can they at least reserve these jobs for white collar criminals? I mean, really.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haaaa! You tell it like it is, soynoodle! These damn utility companies and greedy corporate pigs have the public all fooled and bothered with the outsourcing of customer service to India and Bangladesh and all that shit. Meanwhile, it's the prisons thats raking in the dough pimping out their dumb ass inmates to make calls like its they birthday or something. Shit, probablly goes back to W supporting that Texas correctional facilities.

11:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was in jail once. they didn't give me a customer sevice job. no fair

11:43 AM

Blogger Bill Totolo said...

My friend Chad was in jail. The advice the inmates gave him was "don't drink the bubble milk".
Chad drank the bubble milk, all was not well...

9:11 AM


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